17.07.21 Whisky Production
Know your Yin from your Yang or indeed your Yen

Our carbon foot print calculation demonstrated that our malted barley was the largest single element in the overall foot print of our new make spirit. Some of this is mitigated by our malt supplier, Muntons https://www.muntons.com/practical-sustainability/ , investing significantly in low carbon malting and kilning systems. However, this still left a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in our malted barley.
The GHG emissions in our barley are not driven primarily by our farmers ploughing, sowing, and harvesting but the use of the various fertilisers on the land. Here at InchDairnie we are supporting the YEN Zero program which will research and share the learnings on how to reduce the GHG emission from the growing of crops. https://www.yen.adas.co.uk/projects/yen-zero
ADAS established the Yield Enhancement Network, YEN, in 2012 and much of the early work was looking at increasing the on-farm yield of many different crops. The network it is a true open learning network where real on farm experience, learnings and data can be shared by the farming communities and the industries that support them. https://www.yen.adas.co.uk/about
Early work from the original YENs have shown there is only a small association between the tons of crop harvested and the amount of fertiliser used. So clearly other matters are in play. The early work of YEN Zero will look to establish some benchmark data to provide a base line for future work, mitigating the carbon footprint of crop products, to be measured against.
Here at InchDairnie we do not offset our carbon emissions. We look to make a real change to what we do and how we do it. Being a true low carbon foot print distillery is not incompatible with making a great whisky, it just takes some effort and innovation. As part of our support for the program we are looking to sponsor five farms in Fife to take part in the program. We will look to malt and distil some of their barley to demonstrate the full impact of the work on our carbon foot print. It’s not a competition, however, we will give a cask of whisky and mature it here at InchDairnie, made from their own barley, to the farm that grows the barley which gives us the lowest carbon foot print of all the Fife Farms.
Any Fife farmer interested in taking part in the program, please contact us through our e-mail address carbonfootprint@inchdairniedistillery.com

A Sustainable Partnership with Muntons Malt
In this ever-changing landscape of sustainability, we feel we are in safe hands. Much of our carbon footprint is in our cereals, so working directly with both Munton’s and our local Fife farmer at Balgonie Estate, we are working together to reduce this.

Our Longstanding Partnership with Muntons Malt
Our partnership with Muntons has been crucial to our success as a Fife grown, Fife distilled and Fife matured distillery. The relationship we have developed with Balgonie Estates as a result of this, is essential to the ongoing production of our RyeLaw whisky.

InchDairnie Doubles Capacity with Significant Distillery Expansion
As we approach our 10th anniversary next year, we are doubling our production capacity to 4 million litres per year — ushering in a new era of innovation to meet the rising demand for our bold, flavour-led whiskies.

InchDairnie features on BBC Landward
InchDairnie had the pleasure of hosting BBC landward at the distillery for a feature in the latest season of BBC Scotland’s Landward.

InchDairnie Leads LeBlanq’s Scotland Joyriding Weekend
September rolled around and it was soon time to take the lead for our main weekend with LeBlanq as their luxury whisky partner for the 2023/24 and this time we were in the heart of Perthshire at the beautiful Dunalistar Hotel Suites, on the banks of Loch Rannoch.

RyeLaw Awarded Highly Commended from IWSC
We are delighted to be awarded Highly Commended by the IWSC in the Design Award category.

Rob takes RyeLaw on a journey through the Norwegian Fjords, with LeBlanq
Last week, our Brand Ambassador Rob, joined LeBlanq for another unforgettable weekend in Norway.

Michelin-Star Chef Lorna McNee Visits InchDairnie
To get some inspiration for her dishes, Lorna visited the distillery in Fife to learn about our innovative process and to get a flavour of our precision distilled malted rye Scotch whisky.

RyeLaw Wins Gold
RyeLaw Fife Single Grain Scotch Whisky is awarded Gold by the Beverage Testing Institute.

RyeLaw Whisky Heads to Champagne with LeBlanq
At the end of June, our Chairman Ian and Brand Ambassador Rob attended LeBlanq’s first Joyride weekend of the year in Champagne, with Michelin-Star Chef Anthony Demetre, and cycling legends Greg Lemond and Nico Roche.